Sunday, January 15, 2012

Before the Next Blink of An Eye

I woke up this morning feeling lousy, physically lousy.  I will spare you the details.  This meant that I had to shorten my visit with Bella.

Even though I am sure she was disappointed, she took it in stride.  She is such a happy and easy going little girl.  I was upset, though.  Upset that I couldn't muster up the energy to keep my promise to Bella.  The promise of a two night sleep over at grandma's.

Although I wasn't feeling that great, I did have a luxurious day.  I didn't get out of my pj's or bed.  In between snoozes, I listened to the latest P.D James book,  crocheted,  played Yahoo's version of scrabble called Literati, and talked on the phone.

I think I needed that.

If I was ill when I was a mother with young children, there was no such thing as luxuriating in bed for the whole day.
I remember at times feeling tired and overwhelmed.  I remember thinking that I would never get a whole nights sleep again. I'm sure I could have never imagined having a whole day to myself to do whatever I wanted without interruption.

But here it is, in the blink of an eye, and I am a grandmother.

My daughter called me a little while ago to see how I was doing.  I also spoke to Bella. When she got on the phone, I told her I missed her.  She said, "me too."
So, we re-scheduled another visit for the end of this month..

I told her that now we have something to look forward to.  As is her nature, she giggled and agreed. Having something to look forward is as important to me as it is to Bella.

After all I have to get in as many of these special visits as I can, before the next blink of an eye.


  1. She is beautiful...I'm hoping for you that your next visit goes all the way to the end. Best wishes on feeling better, Lynda Grace...

    ~ Red Dirt kelly

  2. I absolutely hear you on the blink of an eye thing.  Right now, I am fighting the urge to blink my eyes and make it May.  Springtime is so much more friendly to me than wintertime.
    An Bella is a cutie! There is some nice energy there!

  3. You wrote, "I think I needed that."  Keep thinking, and keep listening to what you think.  It does a body good.  Then you will be ready for Bella's next visit.  

  4. Yes, try not to blink.  I did, and now my son is married!    And my other son moved out of the house.   And my daughter went off to college.  I swear that right before I blinked they were like your Bella :)

  5. Yes, try not to blink.  I did, and now my son is married!    And my other son moved out of the house.   And my daughter went off to college.  I swear that right before I blinked they were like your Bella :)

  6. Yes, and Bella already has a filled up social calendar.  I know that in the blink of an eye, she will be way too busy for grandma. :)
