Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Gambling and Partying Together

We have been receiving offers to stay at the Borgada Casino for a free night. Ross has been asking me if I want to go. It is not my favorite past time but Ross thought a change of scenery might do us a world of good. So I finally agreed to go tonight.
We got here at about 5:30. By the time we checked into our room, it was about 6:00.
After dropping our overnights we headed downstairs.
The casino was pretty much empty. We lost our budgeted gambling dollars within 15 minutes, which did not do much to lift my spirits. In fact it had the opposite effect.
The Borgada has several restaurants. We figured a nice meal would make up for our "big gambling losses". We selected Fornelletto. We had quite a an unusual experience there.
Since there is no wifi in our room, I am trying to write this post using my iPad. I think the story of our dining experience deserves all of the options available with the full blown version of Blogger. So, I'll save the details for another post.
While we were walking around the Casino after dinner (not gambling by the way),Ross got a Face Time request from our grandsons, Kenny and Ty. It was so good to see them. It's been too long and I miss them so much. That was the pick-me-up I needed.
So, here we are. It's 9:45. Ross is playing on his iPhone and I am writing my blog. American Idol is on the big screen TV but it is just really background noise. Not exactly whoopin' and hollerin' party people, but we're here together.
It's supposed to be over 70 degrees tomorrow. I think a morning walk on the old Atlantic City boardwalk will be refreshing and the real change of scenery.
Here is today's entry from Anna's diary:
Thurs. March 21 1929
Charlotte here to wash. Took Baby down to grandma M. For awhile. Ted invited boys from Upsala College and Corinne and Marge for supper. Everything fine. I went to see "Arizona" a talkie after supper.


  1. You are so lucky to have a travel companion that is amenable to doing what feels just right for you and for him. I pray that my travel companion might appear in my life sooner rather than later.

  2. I was teasing Hubby the other day that we should run away somewhere. I have a feeling our fabulous getaway would be pretty similar--just us being us someplace else. After all, wherever you go, there you are. ;)

  3. You're right, it wasn't so bad.  A change of pace for sure.

  4. We high tailed it out of there this morning and had breakfast at a neat little place on the water.  Tomorrow I get to spend the day with my youngest little grandson.  It will be a pleasant distraction for sure.

  5. Unfortunately, Atlantic City was socked in with fog this morning.  So no boardwalk.  

  6. I want to walk on the Atlantic City Boardwalk this morning!  I hope you take and post pictures.  I have no clue what that place really looks like but I have terrific pictures in my head.  

  7. I know speaking w/ the grandsons was uplifting. Maybe the breakfast buffet will be fabulous in the morning! I hope things "start looking up for you" in the morning!

  8. At least you were able to get away.  It is to bad you lost your money so quickly and didn't win any.

