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Settled in With a Front Row Seat |

As I foolishly and painfully found out, it is not a good idea for a tender foot to walk 3 miles barefoot on rough sand. I now have large balloon blisters on my big toes and heels. Ouch!
When the wind changed direction and the flies started biting, (brazen enough, incidentally, to settle on my insect repellent bandana) we packed it up and in.
It was obvious by the amount of traffic on the boulevard that today was the start of the summer tourist season on LBI.
I heard Ross curse at the exact same moment that I felt the car jerk, as the jerk in the car behind us bumped into our car. Ross immediately asked if I was okay and I was. Then he got out of the car to make sure the car was okay. The guy who bumped us was very relieved that there was no damage to us or our car.
At the very next traffic light, I heard Ross curse at the exact same moment that I felt the crash. The same guy (who shall now be known as Guy) slammed into our car again, this time much more forcefully. Ross and I were both quite shaken up.
After Ross calmed down, he and Guy pulled onto a side street, out of the way of traffic.
This time there was damage to our car’s bumper and the bumper will probably have to be replaced.
Guy begged Ross not to get the police involved. Ross got very close to Guy and when he didn’t smell any alcohol, he agreed. (He’s such a good man.) As Ross took photos of the guy’s registration, and insurance card, I took lots of pics of Guy, his vehicle and of course the license plate.
Here is where the story gets interesting.
First of all, Guy had no driver’s license. He was driving a Ford pick up, but, the truck was registered to a woman. When Ross asked who the woman was, Guy said it was his brother’s wife. Ross asked for Guy's phone number and Guy’s brother’s phone number.

After Ross was satisfied that he had enough information, he and Guy shook hands as if they had been long time friends.
As soon Guy pulled away, Ross dialed the phone number Guy provided. It was obvious that the person who answered the phone was not Guy. After a few minutes, Ross found out that he was speaking to Guy’s brother (who shall now be known as Bro).
Bro assured Ross that Guy was a good guy. He told Ross that Guy was a commercial fisherman and had just come off of a two day trip. Bro thanked Ross for not getting the police involved because apparently it would have been certain jail time for Guy. Bro didn’t go into detail. But he did confirm that Guy was on his way to pick up his kids to return them to their mother. After that he was going out again on the fishing boat. In fact, the captain was holding the boat, waiting for Guy to get there.
When we got home, Ross researched how much it would probably cost to repair our car. He called Bro to let him know.
Here’s where it really gets interesting. Bro told Ross that when his girlfriend (so the owner of the truck was Bro’s girlfriend, not his wife) came home and found her truck missing, she called the police. The police picked up Guy and he is now in jail.
Needless to say the ship sailed without him.
Bro says not to worry, though, cause he will make sure that we will get paid for our damages.
So if the flies weren’t biting, and my heels weren’t hurting, we would have stayed a little longer on the beach and our bumper wouldn’t have been bumped and Guy would be on chillin’ on the boat waitin’ for the fish to bite instead of cooling his heels in jail.
To Be Continued...
I have created a page for Anna's Diary. It can be found under the Tab titled Anna's Diary.
I have posted all of the entries to date there, starting with January 1, 1929.
Here are the last three days entries from Anna’s diary:
Friday, June 28, 1929
Rained all day at shore. Cold. Home all day. In evening rode to Long Brach to see Jewel who was stopping at Rick’s summer home. Stopped at Allenhurst to see Elsie.
Sat. June 29, 1929
Brought Mary to Asbury for the week-end shopping. Left for home about 6:30. Stopped at Rae’s to rest and stayed for supper. Went to 360 for the night as Joan was out.
Sun. June 30, 1929
Stayed at 360 all day. Ma went to Long Branch to get Jewel and Rosalie. Came home about seven. Both Junior and I so happy to be back home. House needs good cleaning.