One particularly poignant incident does stand out for me, though.
Sleeping arrangements for guests in our house consist of a futon in “my room” and a pull out sofa bed in the den/computer room. Each of the kids could have had their own space, but they chose to share the futon.
At home, (or as Ryan refers to it their “real” home) their normal bed time is between 8-9. So at 8:30, after a bubble bath in grandma’s huge soaking tub, they were ready to climb into bed. Since I have grandmother privileges, I extended bedtime to whatever time they actually fell asleep.
They started out toe-to-toe with each of their heads on opposite ends of the bed. After about the fifth bed check, I found them next to each other, holding hands. I asked if they were okay. Bella told me that Ryan had a tummy ache. She, taking on the role of mother, told me that she asked him if he felt like throwing up and he said no. When I asked him what his tummy felt like, he said, “Um…um... my tummy feels like it wants to go home.”
I’ve had that feeling myself a time or two.
I have created a page for Anna's Diary. It can be found under the Tab titled Anna's Diary.
I have posted all of the entries to date there, starting with January 1, 1929.
Here are the catch up entries from Anna’s diary:
Monday, June 24, 1929
Home. Mary phoned from Belmar to do down for this week with Baby. Had supper for Jan and left about 7:30. Arrived there about ten, Mrs. Caruso had accident.
Tuesday June 25, 1929
At seashore. Rained all day. Rode to Asbury with Mary to shop for her mother. Stayed in all evening. Played bridge with Mrs. Caruso, Mary, Mrs. B. Went for cream.
Wed. June 26, 1929
At seashore. Mrs. B. left for Newark by train with Mrs. C. Went bathing with all the children. Agnes C. came with children. They have whooping cough and I hope junior doesn’t get it.
Yes, kids do say the darndest things! I remember once when I was about 12, I stayed with my 5 year old sister at an aunt's house. The aunt was not accustomed to children and she meant well in every respect but both my sister and I were lonely. Playing the caretaker part was, for me, so valuable - I had to be strong so that my little sister could feel safe.
ReplyDeleteYou make me re-think the notion of grandchildren. I am not looking forward to that - mostly b/c it means I am "old" - but, on the other hand, I bet it can be fun. My daughter has a personal agenda - go figure - she wants to be married and at least pregnant by the time she is 30 - that gives me five years - unless Sonny Boy beats her to it - or her plan fails (which it might as there is no significant other in the picture!).
Such a sweet story. Sounds like a great time for all of you.. Yes, I have had that feeling more that once!
ReplyDeleteThose kids for sure brighten my day. I completely understood what my grandson meant. I still suffer from homesickness when I am away.
ReplyDeleteIt is fun to be grandma. My daughter waited until she was in her 30’s before she had kids. I wish I could have been a younger grandmother. I already notice my energy level is much different than it was eight years ago when my granddaughter (the oldest of my grandchildren) was born. It’s not as easy to keep up with them.
ReplyDeleteYour "old" grandma thing reminds me of my reaction when my nephew announced his significant other was pregnant with their first child. I laughed and laughed because my sister who is younger than me would be a grandma--which makes her "old," of course. Then it hit me that I was going to be a "great aunt," which sounds a hell of a lot older for some reason. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet big sister looking out for her little brother that way.