Thursday, January 3, 2013

Energize - Dust Off That Treadmill

I am participating in BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo for the month of January.
Today’s writing prompt question is: “What is your favorite way to recharge when you feel drained of energy?”

I don’t know if this is my favorite way to re-charge but it is one that always works for me.  Plain and simple it is exercise.  Something I haven’t been very diligent about lately.  Actually, the treadmill has been idle for over a month.

My routine had been brisk walking for 45 to 60 minutes, maintaining my heart rate at between 128-139, four to 5 days a week.

When I am on that regiment, I feel physically stronger.  My joint aches and pains are reduced.

My emotional state stabilizes and I am more mentally alert. 

My level of energy increases and I don’t have that sluggish, dull feeling.

In fact, I’m pretty sure I don’t misplace my keys or phone as frequently. The times I find myself rushing into another room, and then wondering why I came into the room don’t happen as often.

Actually, writing this post has reminded me that I am tired of being tired and should dust off that treadmill. 

Besides, I have some of my best conversations with myself during those 45 minutes.

Yep, starting tomorrow…

To see what other participants of this month's NaBloPoMo are saying click here:


  1. Oh, I so need an treadmill,and the motivation to actually use it! :)
    Great post

    1. Thanks. Treadmills are actually pretty good. No need to bother about cute workout gear, just throw on the sneakers and go.

  2. I have a love-hate relationship with my treadmill lol.

    1. I know what you mean. I push myself the whole time I am on it. But I love the way I feel after I finish.

  3. i KNOW I have the best conversations with myself while exercising - I actually start my days with either an hour of fast walking (with the dogs) or about 45 minutes on the Elliptical Cross Trainer. The walking is the best becasue it is outside, generally in the dark. Kind of a good time and place to be alone with myself. Physical exercise and I have been dedicated partners since I started college and I don't know what I would do without him. His company is the best.

    1. I got back into the swing of things this morning. It does so make such a difference.
