My appointment is for 8:30. I better wake Ross up. He said he would come with me.
It's 7:00 a.m.
At the Doctor's Office
I don't know, I mean I guess I understand the necessity to improve efficiency and maintain accuracy, but there is something disconcerting about my doctor being so attached to her laptop.
Yes, yes, I have seen certain benefits. For instance, when I need a prescription re-fill, she, right on the spot, connects to Express scrips and voila, it's done.
Lab work, same thing. The Doc, via her laptop network connection, sends over the script for whatever tests she wants me to have. I don't have to remember to bring that piece of paper with me. And it has happened on numerous occasions. I walk into the lab and that's when I remember that I forgot the paperwork.
All of my history is right there in front of her. Today, she got a little upset, though, when I had to remind her that the reason I was not taking that medicine she prescribed was that I didn't tolerate it very well. She didn't remember that she told me to stop taking it. Well, she wasn't upset with me, of course. She was upset at the "Computer" for not having that particular update recorded. The "Computer" still had me taking that medicine. She said, "Oh, I hate when the "Computer doesn't update."
So after a few minutes, she finally pried her eyes away from Ms. Computer, and asked how I was doing.
I asked her about the blood test results. Uh, oh, eye contact lost. She immediately started scrolling.
Oh, yes, here it is, she said. I could tell she was immensely relieved that Ms. Computer at least had that update.
She told me that even though the lab (I'm sure it was really the lab's computer) had recorded that number in the "high" column, I really didn't have to worry.
Hmm, apparently, she and Ms. Computer do not know me that well.
"Are you sure?" I asked. She re-assured me again. We'll just keep an eye on it.
Hmm, the perfectly wrong thing to say to me.
Anyway, she told me that she wouldn't need to see me until August.
She said a funny thing about the next appointment. She told me that she and Ms. Computer keep track of her patients appointments. She doesn't trust the office staff to do that. So, she will personally put my name on a list, which she maintains. She calls it her list. I assume, she enters that info into Ms. Computer.
Then, I would imagine, Ms. Computer, at the appropriate time, reminds her to remind the office staff to call me to make an appointment.
I have to say, I really do like my doctor. Even though, I know she has to rely on Ms. Computer to help her to "remember" me, I do feel that she really does know who I am.
It was proven to me when she walked into the room and said, "Oh, you changed your hair."
Now, that made me smile.