Saturday, April 19, 2014

A-Z Challenge Q is for “Seri, What is the Meaning of Life?”

It’s time to participate in the April A-Z Blog Challenge.  I will be blogging every day in April, with Sunday’s off. 
The topic for each day will begin with the designated letter of the alphabet.
This Saturday’s letter is Q.

During the last stages of her life, when my mom was under my care, she would continually ask me if she was going to die.
Most times I would answer her by saying, “Mom we are all going to die.”

When my brother was under the care of hospice he also would ask us if he was dying.

I think what each of them really wanted to know, though was when, not if.

I asked my mom if she would kindly reveal the secret to me when her time finally did come.

I am still waiting.  Perhaps she has whispered little bits and I have not recognized her voice.

What if Google had all of the answers?    What if Seri and Skyvi were all knowing?

Would there be a cure?

If a simple query could unravel the mystery of life,  would there be peace in the world?


Or Q could be


Why not check out some of the other 2033 participants in the April 2014 A-Z Blog 


  1. Those quackers are cute :)

    I know who has all the answers to live's questions and I know where the answers are, people just need to believe and read the book.

    Interesting this is, those who are on hospice, they know the end is near; the rest of us, our end could be near this very day and we absolutely have no idea it is. I'm not sure I would want to know the day I was going to die, you?


    1. Because I have recently had three difficult losses in a short amount of time, the question that keeps haunting me is why?
      I can see pros and cons for knowing the day of my death. My son changed immensely when he was diagnosed with incurable cancer. Appreciation for every single moment is what we all experienced.

  2. If we knew all the answers, there would be no reason for any of this. It's the mysteries that make life worth living. Sometimes.

    1. Well, it makes life more interesting, that’s for sure. I’d settle for a few of the answers.

  3. First, I have a question for you . . . How did you create the picture at the top? It is really neat.

    Your post is intense. It sounds like you've had more than your fair share.

    Enjoy the birthday this weekend. I saw that on Betty's blog. :-)

    1. Yeah, losing my mom, then son and my brother has knocked me for a loop.

      To answer your question about the photo at the top. Well, first I had my husband take a “candid” :) picture of me. Then I applied one of the effects tools from the photo shop elements program. I think it is called “neons.” It’s been a while since I did that. I was thinking it is time for a new one.

      Thank you, I will enjoy the birthday party. I haven’t seen the grandkids in awhile.

  4. Wouldn't it be so much easier if we just knew when they were going to die? Or maybe not! I am torn here. I still have that lets stick with the Quackers

  5. With my grandmother, although she had pancreatic cancer, I didn't expect her to die the day that she did. We didn't know the end was that near. She was in a long term care facility, and we knew the cancer was terminal, but there weren't the usual steps leading up to her death. She just seemed to drift off to sleep that morning. In a way, my Dad's death was similar. I knew he was ill and wouldn't recover, but we didn't anticipate it being so close that day.

  6. You know, even though death is inevitable and expected, it’ still so unexpected, isn’t it?

  7. Big questions. The older I get, the more I begin to wonder if the big questions all turn out to have surprisingly small answers, which I guess is just a long-winded way of saying, "Maybe it's the little things that matter."
