Kenny and Tyler’s Visit
June 22 - July 27, 2014
Writing this on Sunday June 29
On Thursday June 26 we took the boys to the Point Pleasant Beach Aquarium. It’s right on the board walk. When we got in sight of the amusement area they both wanted to know, “What is this place?” I told them it’s the boardwalk. They said in unison, “What’s that?”
Hmm, it’s clearly obvious that these kids need to have much more schooling in Jersey culture.
When we got onto the boardwalk, they didn’t know what to look at first. If you’ve never been to a Jersey boardwalk, it is most definitely an attack on all of the senses.
Even though the aquarium is not large, it has enough attractions to hold the boys’ attention.
They were most interested in the scuba divers, turtles, squid, jelly fish, poison dart frogs and of course the sharks.

Hey, we are the grandparents, we only get to see them a couple of times a year. Of course we said, “Yes you can each get a tattoo. Do you want the red and black snake or the green tarantula?” Kenny chose a dragon and Ty picked the spider.
In the arcade, because they are only 5 and 6, most of the games were beyond their reach, both physically and mentally. But we did manage to find a couple they could play. They were thrilled when, whatever game they were playing, would spit out prize tickets.
I tried my hand at ski ball and I managed to rack up a nice amount of tickets.
After an hour we told them it was time to cash in our tickets so that we could redeem them for wonderful and exciting prizes.
I think they got the most enjoyment from feeding the tickets into the redemption machine.
Let’s see the prizes they picked were fake mustaches and green vampire teeth.
Friday, June 27
Jimmy has off on Fridays.
My heart is warmed to see him with his boys.
So, Jimmy took the kids to his house for the weekend. We’ll get to have them with us again on Monday.
Okay, yeah we admit it, we needed a little rest.