Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner

The Fitbit Challenge
In the over 60 age group standings on August 9, 2015, I ranked #289 out of 847 members in total number of steps - 67,529 - for the first 9 days of August.
I was #342 in miles -26.02 - Hey isn't that a marathon?  A nine day marathon :)

 Here is my final ranking for all 31 days of August.  Although I didn't quite catch up to Joe M.  I did move up quite a bit in the standings.
From  #289 in total number of steps to #151. (wow 369,300 - averaging 11,963 steps a day)
I went from walking an average of 3 miles a day to 5.

So, if I had walked continuously for 140 miles, I could have visited whoever lives (?) at 6597  Big Stone Beach Rd in Milford Delaware.

I, of course, would have to stay for dinner before beginning the trek back.


  1. Good for you for your walking achievement!! Great strides you took to get more steps in too!!

    Now just keep on walking!


  2. Five is a lot. Good for you.

  3. Oh wow, that's great. Are you doing this in September, too? And I love that it gives you the address you would end up at. That's so cool.

    1. Well, I started out today with over 5 miles under my belt. So I hope I can keep going through out the month. I am motivated by being in the group.

  4. Hi Lynda. Thanks for commenting on my blog today. I too have a fitbit and was hoping it would encourage me to walk more. However, we are just now leaving our hottest part of our Texas summers so I haven't been walking extra much. My husband uses his fitbit to track his sleep and being a natural night owl it has helped him to get more sleep. I look forward to following your blog.

    1. Hello Shari,
      Thanks for returning the visit. Nice to meet you. :) I’ll be following your blog too.
      It has been unusually hot this summer here in New Jersey. I wait until after sunset to get those extra steps in. The sleep function is interesting. I didn’t realize how restless a sleeper I am.
