Monday, April 11, 2016

The People In The Box - A to Z Challenge - The Letter I

Blogging from A to Z Challenge
April 2016
This month I will be participating in the “Blogging from A-Z Challenge” 
What is it?

Blogging every day.  It begins on April First with a topic themed on something with the letter A, then on April second another topic with the letter B as the theme, and so on until I finish on April thirtieth with the theme based on the letter Z.   The theme of the day is the letter scheduled for that day.

It's been my observation that many bloggers describe themselves as being introverts.
Yes, I am one.   How do I know?  I could say that I've taken several personality types tests and the results are consistent.  Like the one here:

Based on your responses, you are an introvert.
Given the choice, you’ll devote your social energy to a small group of people you care about most, preferring a glass of wine with a close friend to a party full of strangers. You think before you speak, have a more deliberate approach to risk, and enjoy solitude. You feel energized when focusing deeply on a subject or activity that really interests you. When you’re in overly stimulating environments (too loud, too crowded, etc.) you tend to feel overwhelmed. You seek out environments of peace, sanctuary, and beauty; you have an active inner life and are at your best when you tap into its riches.

But I knew long before taking my first test that I fit into that end of the spectrum.   If you are an introvert, you know what I mean. 

In the world outside of the blogosphere,  I prefer to keep a low profile.  Even at my ripe old age, I still blush when given more than a small amount of attention.   That is attributable to the typical combo of shyness and introversion. 

The interesting thing, though, is that I like the attention I receive about my writing.   Well, as long as it is in the comment section and not in person, that is. 

I do wonder about the people who live in the box on my blog. 

What if all ninety-nine of them were in a room together and they were my audience?  How would it be for me if I had to read one of my posts aloud to them?  
Ninety-nine is quite a large crowd.   Of course, I would provide seating for one more because
one hundred is such a nice round number.  Okay, I admit to shamelessly soliciting for one more follower. 
I'm sweating already imagining myself standing on a stage, complete with a lectern, of course. 
I would wave and call out to a couple.   "Hey Ruth, how's it going?"   "Empty Nester, the girls doing ok?"  Betty and Liz nice to see you, as always.
I start to feel comfortable, for I remember that in the past five years I have confided, most intimately, in these ninety-nine people who live in the box on my blog. 


  1. I am an introvert as well. If my followers were all in the same room, I could read a story, but mingling would be painful.

    1. I didn't think about actually socializing with my followers. Yes, that would definitely be uncomfortable for me.

  2. I believe that I am a mixture of introvert and extrovert. I sing and do concerts in Europe before large crowds. Before a concert, I have stage fright and go through my changes. I sink into myself. However, when I start singing my first song, I forget all about the introvert and become extremely extrovert.

    Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

    1. I understand that many performers are shy and get nervous before a show. I imagine the love of your art helps you to overcome your stage fright.

  3. Writing is a wonderful way of slowly coming out of that shell.

    1. Writing has helped me through many distressful times.

  4. I soooo identify with this. The people in the box are what keep me coming back to blogging. This post reminds me of an Anne Lamott quote (from Bird by Bird) that I've always loved: "Seeing yourself in print is such an amazing concept: you can get so much attention without having to actually show up somewhere."

    1. That is a great quote and says it all! I'm always happy when you come back :)

  5. This is a great A-Z post and I agree with you, I think many of us are introverts. People mistake this for meaning that we shy away from company. No we thrive on meaningful "conversation" we just prefer most of to be in writing rather than talking or in big social situations. There is hardly a person that I wouldn't enjoy sitting down to visit with, but not a crowd please! I too have shared an incredible amount of my life on my blog and will continue to do so, the people there know me far better than some of my own family, and I absolutely call them my friends. The two I've actually met in person were awesome! I think in blogging we tend to be drawn to people we feel comfortable with, we don't always have that luxury in everyday life.
    Josie Two Shoes
    from Josie's Journal

    1. ... And I just became your 100th follower! :-)

    2. Oh my goodness!!! YAY! my 100th follower. I am totally excited. Thank you :)
      I like what you said about visiting and conversing one on one, "but not in a crowd please!" Exactly!

  6. For me, it's an energy issue. Some people feed off of others' energy while others give up their energy to the crowd. Extroverts feed. Introverts supply. It's hard for me to block out all the noise.

    But one on one? There's give and take there. No one is sucking the air out of the room.

    1. I hadn't thought about that way. But you're right. The talkers and the listeners. I have an acquaintance who fires questions at me but then doesn't give me a chance to answer.
