Wednesday, April 25, 2018

A to Z Challenge -The Letter V - Villain

I am participating in the “April Blogging From A to Z Challenge” for 2018.  Except for Sundays, but starting with Sunday April 1, I will be writing a post each day in April.  Working through the alphabet, by the end of the challenge I will have posted 26 writings. 

I often wonder how villains are created.   What parts of themselves do writers pull from to create a truly villainous character? 
How did Hannibal Lecter, Norman Bates or the Wicked Witch of the West come to be? 
I suspect the writer might have to tap into some unpleasant parts of their own being or experiences and then be willing to be vulnerable by exposing those to the world. 
When I was thinking about my V word and I decided on the word Villain, I thought I might write a short story featuring a hateful main character. 
At first, I righteously thought that I was way too nice to be able to create a monster.  Besides, I feel I have been fortunate enough in my life to have been surrounded by other way too nice people.  I actually can’t think of a single villain I have had in my life. 
But as I meandered deeper into my recesses, I began to acknowledge I have experienced the savage pain of evil.  I spied it, was repulsed and then recoiled back into my safe space.
Though I am not at this point willing to give my villain a form, exploring the possibility through writing this post opens the door slightly. 

Writing is a journey through my heart, soul and mind.


  1. Hari OM
    I can totally relate to what you say here, Lynda! I have had almost exactly this thought process myself on more than one occasion... and, ironically, I today received a birthday gift from my brother which is a book of very dark continent if the cover is to be believed. I find myself taken aback he would send me such and am wrangling with whether I can face reading the thing. But I also work on the premise it arrived for a reason and perhaps there will be a learning of some sort to be had from experiencing the book... and perhaps we can only appreciate how much light we have in our lives is we face the dark every now and then? YAM xx

    1. ...content, not continent... tsk...

    2. I like your perspective especially the comparison between light and dark. Absolutely, how would we be able to appreciate the light, were it not for the darkness?

  2. I think the trick to a good villain is to try to see the story from his/her perspective, and write it as if they're the protagonist. There are plenty of stories of unlikable leads.

    Or, imagine the fun you could have as a bad guy. Plenty of actors love to do the villain roles for just this reason. Some of them seem to be pretty nice in real life. It's a good place to let that darkness out ;)

    1. I agree, empathy would absolutely be necessary to create a villain. I don’t know if I could pull off the bad guy, perhaps the sarcastic one though.

  3. I've always had a hard time writing a true villain. Once I get to know the character, they somehow always end up with so many good qualities too that I can't keep them very evil!

    1. I understand what you are saying. I like to think that even true villains must have something worthy about them.
